Firebase vs Google Cloud Firebase

October 10, 2021

Firebase vs Google Cloud Firebase: Which One to Choose?

Firebase and Google Cloud Firebase may sound like the same thing, but they are quite different in terms of their intended use cases. In this comparison, we'll delve into what makes them different and which one you should choose for your project.

What is Firebase?

Firebase is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that was founded in 2011 before being acquired by Google in 2014. It provides a range of services to build and run mobile and web applications, such as real-time databases, cloud storage, authentication, and analytics. Firebase also has a robust set of APIs and SDKs that simplify integration with other Google Cloud services.

What is Google Cloud Firebase?

Google Cloud Firebase is a suite of services that provides a range of tools for building and deploying applications on the Google Cloud Platform. It includes the same functionalities available in Firebase, such as real-time databases, hosting, and authentication. However, Google Cloud Firebase also offers additional services that allow for more advanced customization and greater control over the underlying infrastructure.

Comparison of Features and Pricing

To compare Firebase and Google Cloud Firebase, we've created a table that lists the features of each option side-by-side.

Feature Firebase Google Cloud Firebase
Real-Time Database Included in free plan/charged for usage Included in free plan/charged for usage
Cloud Firestore Charged per document read, write, or delete Charged per document read, write, or delete
Cloud Storage Charged for storage usage Charged for storage usage
Cloud Functions Charged per usage hour Charged per usage hour
Hosting Included in free plan/ch on data transfer Included in free plan/ch on data transfer/charged for storage
Authentication Included in free plan Included in free plan
Machine Learning Not included Included
API and SDK Included Included
Developer Support Included in paid plan Included in paid plan

As you can see, Firebase and Google Cloud Firebase share most of the same features with slight differences in how they are priced. Firebase is more focused on providing a consumer-facing interface, while Google Cloud Firebase is tailored for enterprise-scale projects that require more customization and control.

Which One to Choose?

Deciding between Firebase and Google Cloud Firebase depends on the size and complexity of your project. If you're building a relatively small-scale application or a proof-of-concept, Firebase is a great option. It's easy to use and has many features that will enable you to get your app off the ground quickly.

On the other hand, if you're building a large-scale application or have unique requirements that aren't met by Firebase, then Google Cloud Firebase is the way to go. It offers more advanced functionalities and greater control over the underlying infrastructure, making it a great choice for enterprise-scale projects.


In summary, Firebase and Google Cloud Firebase are both essential tools for building and deploying mobile and web applications. Each platform provides similar features with varying degrees of customization and control depending on your needs. Consider the size and complexity of your project before choosing the right tool for you.


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